brown faces wrath of the people

Posted: June 14, 2009 in Bermuda, bermuda politics

Bermudians are being urged to take to the streets on Tuesday in an unprecedented “people’s protest” against Premier Dr Ewart Brown. The call, circulated by e-mail and social networking sites throughout the Island, states that a march on Parliament will take place on June 16 at 12.30pm. The organisers – who seem to be a mixed grassroots bunch led by an insurance clerk, Janice Battersbee – are calling for the Premier to resign and for the “Gitmo Four” to be returned immediately.

Realistically, they are unlikely to succeed on either count but the fact that this protest is taking place at all is an indication of the widespread anger and disgust people here have for Brown right now. It will be interesting to see if that widespread anger is reflected in the makeup of the protestors on Tuesday – that it is a true cross-section of Bermudians of all colours, races and political backgrounds rather than a gaggle of self-righteous white Bermudians and expats stamping their feet. Many people now believe Brown is someone who will politically, financially and morally bankrupt the Island if he is allowed to remain in power any longer.

With the UBP having tabled a motion of no confidence in Brown – and no doubt he will try and stifle that debate next Friday if he lasts that long – its going to be an interesting week in Bermudian politics. A watershed even.

Meanwhile, I highly recommend my fellow blogger Vexed Bermoothes for further commentary.

  1. […] Breezeblog [en] relata que os “bermudenhos estão sendo provocados a tomar as ruas na terça-feira em um ‘protesto do povo’ sem precedentes contra o premier dr. Ewart Brown”: The call, circulated by e-mail and social networking sites throughout the Island, states that a march on Parliament will take place on June 16 at 12.30pm. The organisers – who seem to be a mixed grassroots bunch led by an insurance clerk, Janice Battersbee – are calling for the Premier to resign and for the “Gitmo Four” to be returned immediately. […]

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